
On The Verge Of Something Wonderful - Darren Hayes


刚在去厕所的途中,突然就哼出了这首歌的旋律。然后就好想念Darren Hayes的声音,和这首《On The Verge of Something Wonderful》。


《Spin》过后,《The Tension and The Spark》正值他与前妻离婚,一首《Unlovable》献给不被爱的自己,就像一开场的《Darkness》,奠定了基调,而这第三张个人专辑是Darren Hayes出柜并和男友结婚后发行的,不知怎的,我真心觉得这是他最好的个人专辑,最爱这时候的他,如其名,《This Delicate Thing We've Made》,细致入微,点点滴滴,都渗透到这毫无累赘感的26首歌里。就好像Darren正处在他最幸福的阶段,忍不住要唱完这些话。

On The Verge of Something Wonderful,在美妙事物的边缘。差一点,就一点,还没到,到不了。


You can dance in the devil's shoes 你可以穿着魔鬼的鞋子起舞
if you like walking in heels 如果你喜欢穿高跟鞋走路
And there's a decent living to be made 你也可以有一个体面的生活
in the selling out of ideals 靠出卖自己的理想

You can lose your way in the big city 你会在大城市里找不着北
Get distracted and lost and feel pretty 分心、迷路、自我感觉良好

I want you, I need you 我想要你,我需要你
I don't wanna please you or belong to anyone 可我不愿取悦你,或属于任何人
But life is for leading, for not people pleasing 但生活应该被引领,而不是让人取悦
A race that has never been won 这是一场从未赢过的赛跑

When you let me go 当你放我走
When I'm on my way 当我踏上自己的路
When the world below is cold and grey 当脚下的世界冰冷灰暗
On the verge of, on the verge of something wonderful 就在那美妙事物的边缘
A resurgence, on the edge of something wonderful 在那美妙事物的边缘,复苏

